I’ve been a member of the Shamie family for 35 years, and I, am, proud. When i first met grandpa Lou i was intimidated by his loud lion’s roar, but I was able to relax when I realized it was the roar of pussycat . Hanging out with grandpa was always an adventure. I am still amazed by his famous luv bug car and being one of the first to have a phone installed in his car. When traveling with grandpa, your complete cosmetics bag consisted of a bottle of witch hazel, and a bar of dial soap.
Grandpa Lou’s inventions were his passions. He cared deeply about them. So much so, that during our trips to Dallas for the shows I would have to keep him away from the buyers. Any critique on his cribs or strollers was taken to heart. He cared deeply, and when he cared, you knew it.
I just want to share a few stories and memories about my father-in-law that highlight his character as well as the connection I had with him. Years ago, when grandpa and grandma went to Florida in the winters, grandpa would come to New York during the week to work and we’d have him over for dinner. My daughter Lorraine was 3 at the time, and one day Lorraine really wanted to sleep by grandpa. He looked at me and I said yes. I think he was shocked when I said yes, but as always, was ready for the adventure. The next morning my phone rings- “Susan! What do I do with Lorraine?“ And I just told him, help her wash and feed her breakfast. Even though it sounded simple, he must’ve done something more because I remember when I came to pick up Lorraine she couldn’t stop talking about how lucky she was to sleep with grandpa when grandma was not around.
Another year, I was invited to go to Vegas with my in-laws and Celie. Before the trip, my mom called and asked if I could I please buy grandpa Lou some pajamas. I said ok sure, but ma, dad doesn’t wear pajamas. She said oh I know, but you and celie are sharing a room with us. I was shocked, but it was fun. We had a large room= Celie and I slept in one bed and they in the other. He always treated me like a daughter, and I always felt comfortable with my father-in-law.
Grandma and grandpa were fixing their house one year and needed to move the basement. There wasn’t any room for grandpas weekly card game, so when it was his turn he asked if he could bring the game to my house. My one condition was that his friends had to take their shoes off because it was a small apartment and my babies were constantly crawling on the floor. He said no problem, and i remember him he made sure no shoe stepped forth in my apartment. As always, a man of his word.
Grandpa really was baby Lou. During Summers by the deal casino my kids would love to come and say hi to grandpa. He would give them hugs, kisses, and, importantly, a 10 dollar bill to buy everyone ice cream, including himself.
As said before by others, grandpas feelings were never veiled. One father’s day he started to unwrap my present. when he opened it, he saw a bright pink shit. ”No, no, no! I don’t wear pink shirts.“ Thus started a tradition of buying him a pink shirt for any celebration that came up-birthdays, father’s days, you name it. I loved seeing his stern look that scrunched up his beautiful green eyes while giving us a look, and all we could do was laugh. And when the other present came, so would he.
As my husband sam says, Sam didn’t pick me, his parents did. And its true. I was in Israel for my brother’s bar mitzvah when I first met the Shamie’s. After they met me they told Sam they found a girl for him. That summer, Celie introduced me to Sam, and the rest is history.
I am truly going to miss this wonderful, happy, jolly man. He taught me a lot about the basic principles to live by, including devotion to his wife and his family.